For the last month I had been swimming as fast as I could because there was a ginormous whale nipping at my toes. It didn’t matter how hard or fast I swam, the whale just kept gliding along with that big giant mouth open, sucking in gallons of water and plankton. Sure there were days when I was able to rest for a while, then back in the water I was thrown, the whale always close behind. I struggled like a little perch, “why me? Why do I have to go?” – All the while the whale never slumbered, his eyes never wavered, and the menu never changed – it was awful – it was awesome – and I am happy to say I am out of the water…
Does this sound like anyone we know? Jonah was a man of God; he just wasn’t a man who was very confident at times (sort of like the guy in the first paragraph!). He loved God and wanted to do Gods work – he just wanted to do it on his terms. God told to him to go to Nineveh, (that’s modern day Iraq, just outside Mosul), and "cry against the city because their wickedness has come before me".
Does this sound like anyone we know? Jonah was a man of God; he just wasn’t a man who was very confident at times (sort of like the guy in the first paragraph!). He loved God and wanted to do Gods work – he just wanted to do it on his terms. God told to him to go to Nineveh, (that’s modern day Iraq, just outside Mosul), and "cry against the city because their wickedness has come before me".
Now, Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh and warn the Assyrians of Gods anger because he knew that there was a good possibility the Assyrians would repent (Jonah 4: 2-3)…wait a minute, isn’t that what we’re suppose to pray for? See, Jonah hated the Assyrians and he didn’t want them to receive mercy from God. He, like many Jews at the time, didn’t think gentiles should receive Gods mercy.
I wonder how many of us have actually prayed for our enemies? We are commanded to do so; Matthew 5:44 – [Love your enemies; bless those who curse you…].
I wonder how many of us have actually prayed for our enemies? We are commanded to do so; Matthew 5:44 – [Love your enemies; bless those who curse you…].
We all know what happens next; Jonah decides that he’s going to flee the presence of the Lord by jumping on a ship and heading to Trashish. Ultimately God sends a great storm which threatens to destroy the ship. The other passengers aboard the “S.S. You can’t hide from God” knew that the storm was upon them on account of Jonah, and subsequently chucked him overboard, at his request no less. Jonah spent the next three days and nights in the belly of the big fish, finally submitting to God.
The next time God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh, he didn’t hesitate.
Has God been calling you to do something for him, FOR HIS KINGDOM? Has he put an assignment on your thoughts, a mission in your mind, or a fire in your heart? Don’t hesitate, just go and do it. Do think about the consequences of it, God will take care of that part; he just wants you to act. If you run one of two things will happen: Either he will pass the assignment onto someone else who will receive Gods blessing for their obedience, or he’s gonna send a big ole whale after you!
Read more about Jonah in the book of Jonah – it’s only 4 chapters for goodness sakes, quit your whining! HA