Monday, January 28, 2008



Today I was abruptly reminded of how quickly our lives can be shattered. In an instant the ones that we have known and loved for what seems like eons, can be lost forever. This afternoon my three year old son, Aiden, (pictured here, ready to save the world) was sitting at a desk enjoying one of life's simplest pleasures, a cherry flavored Lifesaver. While in the midst of his joy he took a deep breath, inadvertently lodging the candy as a whole, deep into his throat. He looked at me, his daddy, with terror in his eyes, panic on his face, and most disturbing, silence in his voice. There was no air passing through his lips, he couldn't breath and my heart sank to a place it seldom goes. By the grace of God three well placed whacks to the center of his back was all it took to dislodge the candy and he was able to spit it out.
That's when I was once again reminded how fragile life truly is. It can be over in an instant. Let us consider our salvation for a moment. Do you really know that if you were to choke on the proverbial LifeSaver, that you would go to heaven? If your answer was yes, and I pray that it was, then let me pose another question to you; do you know someone who wouldn't go to heaven? I would guess that we can ALL answer yes to this one. We all know someone who isn't saved. Jesus Christ commanded that we, as the "Body", go into the world and tell everyone about the saving grace of Jesus Christ...(Matthew 28:19) guess what, He wasn't just talking to your grandfathers and grandmothers, preachers and teacher, - He was talking to you also. This is called:
The Great Commission is the responsibility that Jesus handed down to His church, better known as you and I.
So many of the youth today seem to think they get a pass on telling their unsaved friends about the love of Christ, simply because they' The truth is that you were fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose. God thought you into existence and had your entire life planned for you. He knows exactly what He expects from you and from the day you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you agreed to conform to the person that God wants you to be, and that's very exciting!! This life is very unpredictable, and our time to spread the Word is NOW, because the reality is, you never know if you'll miss the opportunity to introduce a friend to salvation through Jesus Christ. Your unsaved friend could be gone in an instant you chose to do nothing...
If you are saved, and you are becoming the person that God wants you to be, why don't take a stand today and accept the responsibility to reach out to an unsaved friend? You just might be their LifeSaver!!

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