Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Who cares about a two headed monkey riding a bike anyway?

When was the last time you saw a two headed monkey riding a bicycle? Chances are this is probably the first time you’ve ever seen one, considering I had to make the picture in Photoshop. When you saw the picture of the two headed monkey what did you think? Did you laugh? Were you grossed out? Did you think it was stupid?

Maybe today wasn’t the first time you’ve seen a two headed monkey riding a bicycle, or at least acted like you were seeing one. How many times this week did you see something odd at school, or church, that made you laugh? Maybe it was an outfit that you thought looked dumb on someone, or the way someone had their hair styled on Monday? Perhaps it was the way someone stuttered nervously while speaking in front of a group?

Would you have made fun of Moses…he had a stuttering problem?
Would you have been one to tease Noah who was building a ship in the middle of dry land?

Try to imagine for a moment, how you would react if a man wearing a robe and sandals walked up to you and said, “Hey, I’m the Son of God.” Would he have been a two headed monkey riding a bicycle to you? What if it was 2000 years ago? Would you have recognized him as the Savior that he was?

My point is this; life is hard enough, especially at your age. Do we really need to point out to everyone, every time we see a two headed monkey riding a bike? You never really know whose feelings you may be hurting in the process, and remember, EVERYONE gets a chance to be a two headed monkey riding a bicycle. The next time you see one…it might just be you?

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