Friday, February 1, 2008

Who do you see in the mirror?

Everytime I look in the mirror I just love what I see....YEAH RIGHT! Who say's that? Who looks in the mirror everyday and isn't a little self conscious about something? I would venture to say that we all would like to change something about ourselves. Some people are afraid they are too thin, some too overweight, crooked teeth, bad hair, big nose, pimples, too short, too tall, bad accent...the list goes on. But who are we really trying to impress anyway? Our friends? Our family? OURSELVES? God warns us about obsessing with our appearance - it's called VANITY, and yes, it's a sin...and for good reason.

"In 1997 two remarkable women died—Princess Diana and Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa died at age 87 of a heart ailment. Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris. She was 36. Diana had it all. She had influence, wealth, power, fame. She lived every young girl’s fairytale. She married the prince. She was probably the most photographed woman in the history of the world. She had a glamorous royal wedding and a spectacular royal divorce.
Mother Teresa, on the other hand, was born in what is now Macedonia in 1910. At the age of twelve, she felt strongly the call of God to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ. At the age of eighteen, she left home and joined the Sisters of Loreto. She devoted herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta.

Interestingly enough, Princess Diana and Mother Teresa knew each other and were fond of each other. They made a startling contrast. Diana was tall, stately, beautiful. Mother Teresa was small, only about 4’ 11’’. And she was hunched over because of arthritis in the back, so Diana looked about two feet taller than mother Teresa. Diana wore designer clothes. Mother Teresa wore a white sari that cost $1. And, of course, Mother Teresa was fifty years older than Diana.
But, you have to ask yourself, Which of these two women found peace and happiness and meaning in life? The answer is obvious. Not the royal princess.

Diana’s life was a tragedy. She was riddled with insecurity, attempted suicide numerous times, had several bouts with eating disorders, had a failed marriage. And in all that, every mistake she made, every misstatement, and every moral failure was broadcast around the globe."

Now, I don't mean to imply that Diana was vain; in reality she always appeared quite humble to me. My purpose for bringing you the illistration about Diana and Mother Teresa is to make a very relevent point - Neither, beauty, fame, wealth, pride, or perfection can bring happiness. There really is no reason to stand in front of the mirror detesting what God gave you. If you were thinner, you would be no happier - If you were taller, you'd be no happier - If you had better'd be no happier. Instead try this; ask God to use the attributes that he gave you - Ask him to help you be happy with who you are - and always remember, If someone doesn't like you because of the way you look - what do you think they see everytime they look in the mirror? - Pray for them

Focus Chapters:

Proverbs 31:30 - "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the lord - she shall be praised."

Jeremiah 4:30 - "What are you doing, you devastated one? Why dress yourself in scarlet and put on jewels of gold? Why color your eyes with paint? You adorn yourself in vain... "

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